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Dealing with kids can sometimes be a nuisance and sometimes adds fun as well as refreshing. Kids sometimes can be like an angel but there’s one time that you feel like they’re a monster. And how do you stop them being a monster? The best thing is to keep them separated from your office and get a room of their own. And trust me, sharing a house especially a small home with kids is definitely tiring. So here are the tips to keep the monsters being an angel.
1.) Rules: You have to apply rules in every room in your house and each rule that you put up means that you also have to follow it to give them example. For example at the living area, the living area is the most dire and focal point where for sure your kiddo will play and spend most of their time there. Make sure you put up a rule stating that their belongings should be placed where it is. This won’t work unless you also follow the rule that you’ve put up. Never ever let the kids see you put your work or being messy here. Make sure you are disciplined yourself before you disciplined your kids.
2.) Getting Things Personalize: Make sure the kids know their territory. For example, the office only belongs to you not to them and it must stay the way it is unless they’re allowed in. Kitchen also only belongs to adult not kids, this way you can prevent them getting hurt from tools and other dangerous things that can hurt your loved one at the kitchen. And so on.
3.) Reward and Punishment: This is the most important part and plays almost a huge role in keeping that little monster becoming an angel. Give them reward not with cakes or candies but put up a board with the name on the list with stars in each good behavior and for following the rules applied in the house. Take the stars as punishment if they don’t follow the rules.
4.) Say NO: I’m sure you are all ever were kids and you exactly knew what you have to do when your demand wasn’t fulfilled. It might look unpleasant to see them cry, but that’s their weapon to loosen and weaken your heart. There are times when you have to say no to what they demand. If you keep on fulfilling each item that they want by crying in front of you or doing terrible things, the little monster will exactly know how and what to do each time they wanted something. Giving them explanation will also help besides saying no.
After all kids are innocent person, it’s just their sizes which are different but they do have hearts and know the meaning of pain. It’s up to us as parent to educate our kids not to become little monster and little destroyer. Kids are like a white canvas, where you’re the painter towards their life and that’s what they will become.
The color that you put on that canvas, that’s what they’ll ended up being with. If you teach them violent then they will act and behave violently. If you teach them patient they will ended up being patient and have sense of humanism and caring towards other. If you teach them being racist and saying hate speech then they will ended up becoming a threat towards their friends and hated by teachers. Make sure you also choose the right TV show for them, as they’re indeed our future and the future that makes this world a better living place.
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Sharing With Kids (2)
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