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which is very light but it’s built in serious business. To show you how serious in the making of this hard case laptop, several engineers, handcrafters, and woodworkers are being hired. Check out how long the finishing of one single MacBook Pro took. It took 4 days just to polished it with Tung Oil, and the result is a velvet smooth surface that I’m sure you want to carry it to your bed and hug it, never let go.
“Your case starts as two pieces of hardwood that are milled on our CNC machine. This means that your computer will fit in your case perfectly. Not tight. Not loose. Just right every time.” says Blackbox. This case only available in 15 inches and 13 inches no other than MacBook Pro. Get yourself a $20 off using “givethanks” code and for others, I guess you’re all need to wait, or else who knows that you can contact them and make a special laptop case and customizable one just for you. Here is the website of Blackbox Case.
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BlackBox Laptop Case
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